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Local Chapters

Thomaston, GA | The Book Bug SBC @ Hightower Memorial Library

Thomaston, GA | The Book Bug SBC @ Hightower Memorial Library

Do you enjoy reading books but don't want to join a book club because you don't want the assigned reading commitment? If you can relate, then The Book Bug's Silent Book Club is for you! With this book club, you can read any book you want!

This Silent Book Club is open to readers of all ages. We meet once or twice a month in the Ed Bell Conference Room at the Hightower Memorial Library. Feel free to bring along your books, e-readers, comics, audiobooks, and graphic novels, or you can pick up a book you have on hold or borrow something from the library shelves.

We go home knowing we met great people, supported our library by using its facilities, and finally set aside time to read our To Be Read book(s).

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Potsdam, Germany | SBC Stadt- und Landesbibliothek im Bildungsforum Potsdam

Potsdam, Germany | SBC Stadt- und Landesbibliothek im Bildungsforum Potsdam

Die Teilnehmenden lesen eine Zeit lang in Stille ihre eigene Lektüre und können danach plaudern oder in Ruhe weiterlesen.

Zur Nacht der Bibliotheken findet der Silent Book Club® zum ersten Mal in der Stadt- und Landesbibliothek statt.

Find more information and our upcoming meetings here.

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Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Silent Book Club Duisburg
Dir fehlen Zeit und Ruhe zum Lesen? Du hast Lust auf eine entspannte Lesezeit in gemütlicher Atmosphäre? Zuhause lenkt Dich immer etwas vom Lesen ab? Dann ist unser Silent Book Club in der Zentralbibliothek genau das Richtige für Dich. Hier lesen wir gemeinsam, aber jeder für sich.

Bring ein Buch, eBook oder eine Zeitschrift mit oder suche Dir bei uns etwas aus. Jeder ist willkommen und kann lesen, was er möchte. Es gibt keine Vorgabe.

Gelesen wird von 17.00 Uhr bis ca. 18.15 Uhr. Wer dann noch Lust hat, kann sich mit den anderen austauschen oder auch einfach nur zuhören.

Treffpunkt: Großer Tisch der Musikbibliothek, 2. OG

Ohne Anmeldung, einfach dabei sein und lesen!

Mehr über die Idee des Silent Book Club findest Du hier: ​

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Caldwell, NJ | SBC West Essex

Caldwell, NJ | SBC West Essex

Welcome to Silent Book Club of West Essex!

If you're in the West Essex area and looking for a new book club to join, you're in the right place!

Silent Book Club is set up for members to read (or listen to) their book of choosing silently for an hour. Gone are the days of voting on which book to read next, sitting through novels that don't have interest to you, or awkwardly talking about a book you may or may not have completed.

SBC West Essex currently meets on the first Monday of every month and is open to any and all readers. There are no assigned reading!

We meet at 7pm and chat with other readers until 7:30pm then from 7:30-8:45 we have a silent reading time. From 8:45-9pm is an optional element of our group that allows members to discuss their literary interest or free to leave when done.
This group is free but will support local businesses!

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Tarlac, Philippines | SBC Tarlac

Tarlac, Philippines | SBC Tarlac

What is a Silent Book Club Tarlac?
It’s a simple and relaxing way to enjoy reading in good company:

📌 Sign up for the next event.
📚 Bring a book—any book you’re currently reading!
📍 Head to the meeting spot and settle in.
👋 Greet fellow readers and chat if you’d like.
🛋 Get comfortable when it’s time to start.
📖 Read quietly, surrounded by others doing the same.
⏳ After 45 minutes, share your thoughts—only if you want to!
👋 Say goodbye and look forward to the next one.

🔄 Join us again for another peaceful reading session!

No Judgment Zone: Every book is welcome here! Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, classics, or comics—read what you love without fear of criticism. This is a space for all readers to enjoy their books in peace. 😊📚 

Find more information and our upcoming meetings here!

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Easton, PA | Historic Easton Cemetery

Easton, PA | Historic Easton Cemetery

Silent Book Club at Historic Easton Cemetery invites the Easton community and beyond to enjoy the peaceful and quiet green space that the Historic Easton Cemetery provides. It is a perfect setting for silent reading! Bring a book, a blanket, some shades and join the quiet fun! Meeting information will be posted on the Cemetery’s website and social media channels.

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Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada

Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada

The Port Alberni Silent Book Club is a low-pressure, no-obligation gathering for book lovers of all kinds. There is no assigned reading—just bring whatever book you are currently enjoying, settle in, and read alongside others in a cozy, welcoming space. After an hour of silent reading, you are invited to stay for casual conversation about books, life, or whatever comes up.

Whether you are a lifelong reader or just getting back into the habit, this is a space for all kinds of readers and all kinds of books, including paperbacks, e-readers, and audiobooks. There are no expectations, no required discussions, and no pressure—just a shared love of reading in good company. Each month, we will suggest a social justice theme and encourage readers to explore books related to important issues, but you are always welcome to read whatever speaks to you. Find more information and our upcoming meetings here.

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Ferndale, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Wales, UK

Ferndale, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Wales, UK

Do you love the idea of a book club, but prefer to read at your own pace? Then why not join us and our Silent Book Club at Y Siop Fach Sero (The Old Library) for a dedicated weekly reading session. Meet at our cosy community space for a peaceful gathering where you can bring any book, settle in, and enjoy reading in quiet company. The coffee shop sells drinks, cakes and snacks — but no obligation to purchase anything.

There are no assigned texts, no pressure of deadlines, just one hour to focus on your own reading without interruptions. Our meetups start with a relaxed 30 minutes to arrive and order drinks, followed by an hour of silent reading. For the final 30 minutes, you are welcome to chat, discuss, or share book recommendations, or just keep reading! Carve out the time for yourself to unwind and rediscover the joy of getting lost in a good book! Find more information and our upcoming meetings here.

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