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Local Chapters

Paderborn, Germany | Stadtbibliothek Paderborn

Paderborn, Germany | Stadtbibliothek Paderborn

Lust auf eine entspannte Lesezeit in gemütlicher Atmosphäre ohne Vorgaben? Dann ist der Silent Book Club Paderborn in der Stadtbibliothek das richtige für dich.
Hier kannst du ein mitgebrachtes Buch, eBook oder eine Zeitschrift lesen oder im Bestand der Bibliothek stöbern und dort etwas auswählen. Jeder ist willkommen, es gibt keine Vorgabe zu den Medien die gelesen werden und auch keine verpflichtende Besprechung im Anschluss.
Einmal im Monat, mittwochs ab 18:15 Uhr nach Schließung der Bibliothek
Was erwartet dich?
18:15-18:30 Uhr Ankommen, optional Auswahl eines Buchs oder Getränks im Café der Bibliothek
18:30-19:30 Uhr stille Lesezeit inmitten der Bücherregale
19:30-20:00 Uhr Austausch, diese halbe Stunde ist optional – hier kannst du über dein aktuelles Buch sprechen oder einfach neue Leute kennenlernen
Die aktuellen Termine sind im Veranstaltungskalender auf der Website der Bibliothek zu finden.

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Thompson, CT | The Quiet Corner SBC

Thompson, CT | The Quiet Corner SBC

Welcome to The Quiet Corner's very own Silent Book Club chapter in Thompson, CT!

This is a monthly meetup where you can bring whatever book caught your attention (in any format) to read, uninterrupted, for an hour while in the company of other readers. No assigned reading. No socialization requirement. No judgement. Just space and time to relax and get your pages in.

You can find more information about upcoming meetings on Facebook at or on Instagram at

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Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

Silent Book Club Davao City is a space for book lovers who enjoy reading in good company—without the pressure of assigned books or structured discussions. Whether you're diving into a novel, exploring a new nonfiction title, or simply savoring the quiet, our meetups offer a relaxed environment where you can read at your own pace alongside fellow readers.

Join us for an "introvert’s happy hour" in one of Davao’s cozy cafés, libraries, or community spaces. Bring your own book, grab a drink, and enjoy the shared silence of a reading session. Afterward, you’re welcome to chat, share recommendations, or simply head home feeling refreshed.

No pressure, no rules—just books and good company. Welcome to Silent Book Club Davao!

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Flint, Michigan | SBC Traverse Historic Neighborhood

Flint, Michigan | SBC Traverse Historic Neighborhood

Welcome to SBC Traverse Historic Neighborhood! Do you love the idea of being in a book club, but not thrilled with the idea of an "assigned" book? Maybe you are already in a book club but you're looking for a quiet place to read. Perhaps you are just looking for a beautiful setting to simply enjoy quiet time with a book. 
Spend an enjoyable Sunday afternoon at the former home of Colonel Thomas Stockton and his wife, Maria relaxing, reading, and mingling. Tea and cookies will be served.

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Havre de Grace, MD, USA

Havre de Grace, MD, USA

Do you enjoy reading books but don't want to join a book club because you don't want the assigned reading commitment? If you can relate, then the Silent Book Club - Havre de Grace, MD Chapter is for you!

With our book club, you can read any book you want! That's right, it's BYOB- bring your own book.

We'll meet at a local business and you can order your drinks and food. We read silently for one hour. We socialize for the last thirty minutes.

We go home knowing we ate, met great people, and finally set aside time to read our to be read book(s).

Find upcoming meetups here:

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San Antonio, TX | San Antonio Public Library

San Antonio, TX | San Antonio Public Library

The San Antonio Public Library (SAPL) Silent Book Club chapter was founded to provide readers with the opportunity to participate in a silent book club while also exploring library branch locations around the city. The book club will meet once a month at various times/dates, and snacks and drinks will be provided. Find our upcoming meetings and more information here.

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Madison, GA, USA

Madison, GA, USA

When a local writer teams up with a local librarian, one thing is for certain: shenanigans will ensue. Only this time, the shenanigans are in the form of a Madison, Georgia, chapter of Silent Book Club. Join us as we embark on the grand adventure of regularly scheduled introvert happy hours, a place where bringing your book is not only welcomed but strongly encouraged. Ditch the boring book club telling you what to read and come read whatever you want among other rebel readers who cannot be confined to a strict reading list. We welcome mood readers, audiobook lovers, graphic novel geeks, and anyone else who just plain enjoys reading. Find our upcoming meetings and more information here!

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Elk Grove, CA, USA

Elk Grove, CA, USA

Welcome to our Silent Book Club - an inclusive space for readers of all backgrounds in the Elk Grove area! All readers are welcome—whether you’re reading on your own, with a friend, or just looking for a new way to enjoy your favorite book in the company of others.

There are no assigned books, no organized discussions, and no pressure—just bring your book and enjoy some quiet time with fellow readers. We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, making it the perfect space to unwind, discover new books, and support local businesses.

Follow us on Instagram for updates and details about our upcoming meetings.

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