Silent Book Club is a public community for sharing book recommendations and reading inspiration. We do not allow statements that are racist, ableist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or disparage other marginalized groups.
We have a zero tolerance policy for trolling, which is defined as “making a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.”
We are a global group, so be considerate of people who live a different experience than you when adding comments or responding to questions.
We will delete posts and comments that are self-promotional, spam, contain affiliate links, hashtag campaigns, or are otherwise inappropriate. Please do not promote your personal social media, blog, bookstagram, products, or website.
We do not allow self-published books to be promoted on our channels. We do not allow buy/sell/trade posts. It's our policy, as well as safe internet practice, to discourage members from direct messaging (DM or PM) personal info over social media.
Please do not solicit personal information from our members and do not pass along pyramid schemes, including book swaps. If you see a violation of any of these guidelines, please report the post or comment in question so one of our moderators or chapter organizers can take a look.
All Silent Book Club members must agree to follow our community guidelines to participate in the group. We reserve the right to delete posts and comments that do not follow these guidelines, and/or remove anyone who does not comply.