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Vernon, BC, Canada

Vernon, BC, Canada

Welcome to Vernon Silent Book Club! This is for those people that want to join a book club, but only want to read their own books. Get energy from reading with others, while being fully in control of your choices. A little time to chat, an hour to read, then a little more chatting time. Read in whatever way works for you (physical book, e book, audoo- if audiobook, make sure to have headphones!). Find our upcoming meetings and more information here

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Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

With so many of us wishing we spent more time with books and lovely people instead of our phones in front of other screens, Silent Book Club Sydney, NS was born.

This club offers a chance to enjoy events designed for introverts.
But don't worry if you don't consider yourself an introvert, it's just an introvert-friendly format. Everyone is welcome!

Sydney, NS, on Cape Breton Island, is a wonderful community, filled with great folks who want to meet other great folks. Come on out to read alongside your pals, strangers, and new friends alike.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada | SBC Fat Joy Virtual

Toronto, Ontario, Canada | SBC Fat Joy Virtual

Welcome to SBC Fat Joy Virtual! Plus-size & fat folks join us for some cozy creative time! Bring your book, knitting, puzzle, guitar, or whatever you'd like to do in this silent-but-together time.

We know that leisure activities and hobbies help lower stress levels, support our mental health, and bring play and fun into our lives. And we also know that most craft and leisure spaces aren’t designed with our bodies in mind. So, here we are, creating space for you to be with other fat folks doing their chosen activities. All from the comfort of your home or wherever you choose to join us because our gatherings are virtual. And it’s free!

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Powell River, British Columbia, Canada | qathet Silent Book Club

Powell River, British Columbia, Canada | qathet Silent Book Club
qathet Silent Book Club: No assigned reading. No questions or conversation prompts. Bring your current book to the Powell River Public Library and read in quiet camaraderie with other introverts. Chat about your favourite authors, or not. This book club allows the social connection of other book clubs, without the social pressure! Find more information and our next meeting here Continue reading

Chetwynd, British Columbia, Canada

Chetwynd, British Columbia, Canada
Chetwynd, BC: Bring whatever you are reading - a book, magazine, graphic novel, eBook, audiobook, etc. Browse our collections for a new find and share some recommendations if you want! Enjoy some refreshments by our fireplace and join us for some quality reading time in comfortable quiet companionship. Find more information and our next meeting here Continue reading

Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada / Revelstoke Silent Book Club

Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada / Revelstoke Silent Book Club
Revelstoke’s Silent Book Club is hosted by Fable Book Parlour at their Sound Cellar space. This is the introvert counterpart to their usual book club! Come down, make a tea, grab a comfy chair, and read in quiet camaraderie with other Revelstoke bookworms. And don’t forget, all types of books count as reading! Physical books, e-books, and audiobooks (with headphones) are all welcome. Continue reading
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