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SBC Houten (Houten, Netherlands)

SBC Houten (Houten, Netherlands)
At SBC Houten we believe in creating connections via reading. Whether you want to enjoy reading while feeling that you're part of a community or you want to socialize over books - making those written words spark meaningful conversations - SBC Houten is the place to be. You're completely free to choose your own book and genre: get lost in your favorite fantasy world, learn something new about the world or just flip through some nice chic lit. It's all up to you. We encourage life long book worms as well as those of you who'd like to add a bit of reading to your life to join us at our nice meeting place, De Spot. Continue reading

Flintbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland + Silent Book Club Gemeindebücherei Flintbek

Flintbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland + Silent Book Club Gemeindebücherei Flintbek
Wir laden ein zum gemütlichen Zusammensein an einem ruhigen Ort, der Gemeindebücherei Flintbek, wo das Lesen im Mittelpunkt steht. Alle zwei Monate treffen wir uns an einem Freitagabend in entspannter Atmosphäre zum Lesen und Austausch. Als Mitglied der Bücherei dürfen selbstverständlich vor Ort Bücher geliehen werden oder du bringst deine eigene Lektüre mit!

We invite you to a cozy gathering at a peaceful place, the Flintbek community library, where reading is the focus. Every two months, we meet on a Friday evening in a relaxed atmosphere to read and share. As a member of the library, you are of course welcome to borrow books on-site, or you can bring your own reading material!
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Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany - Silent Book Club Oldenburg

Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany - Silent Book Club Oldenburg

Willkommen beim Silent Book Club Oldenburg!

Wir treffen uns ein Mal im Monat um in gemeinsamer Runde und gemütlicher Atmosphäre zu lesen und über unseren Lesestoff zu plaudern.
Ob Leseratte oder Bücherwurm, jeder ist willkommen!

Lesen, Plaudern, das Handy mal in der Tasche lassen.
30 min | Ankommen
60 min | Stille Lesestunde
Wenn du möchtest lies einfach weiter oder bleib' noch zum Plaudern.

Reading, chatting and leaving your phone in the bag for once.
30 mins | Arrive/Settle/Order
60 mins | Silent Reading Hour
Stay and chat or just keep on reading if you want to!

Find our next meeting and more information here

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Bad Salzdetfurth, Niedersachsen. Germany

Bad Salzdetfurth, Niedersachsen. Germany

Willkommen beim Silent Book Club Bad Salzdetfurth!

Wir treffen uns immer am letzten Freitag im Monat. Bring deine Lektüre mit, lies mit uns und tausche dich mit anderen Bücherliebhaber *innen aus.

We always meet on the last Friday of the month. Bring your reading material, read with us and exchange ideas with other book lovers.

Find our next meeting and more information here

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Hilversum, The Netherlands + Silent Book Club Hilversum

Hilversum, The Netherlands + Silent Book Club Hilversum

Introducing the Silent Book Club in Hilversum!

Are you a book lover who enjoys reading in peace, but also craves a sense of community? Inspired by the global movement of silent reading groups, this unique club offers a cozy space where people can gather, read together in silence, and then share thoughts afterward—without the pressure of book reports or formal discussions.

How it Works: 1. Bring a Book (or E-Reader): Whatever you're currently reading, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or poetry—just bring it along! 2. Read in Silence: Enjoy some quiet time as you immerse yourself in your book. No need to talk, no small talk, just reading. 3. Chat Afterwards (Optional): Once the reading time is over, if you’d like, you can share what you're reading, recommend books, or simply chat about anything book-related. It's a perfect way to meet fellow book lovers, discover new reads, and take some time for yourself amidst a busy schedule.

Find our next meeting and more information here!

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Bristol, United Kingdom

Bristol, United Kingdom

Bristol’s Silent Book Club is a great chance to chat and read with like-minded bookworms, and EVERYONE is welcome!

All you need to do is bring yourself and whatever book that you’re currently reading - all books are welcome, including e-readers and audiobooks (just make sure you bring headphones!)

During the in-person meets, there’s plenty of time to chat, or read quietly, exchange book recommendations, drink copious amounts of tea and coffee, eat delicious cake, and most of all, read!

Find more information and our next meeting here

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SBC Gliwice, Silesia, Poland

SBC Gliwice, Silesia, Poland

A trend straight from New York is coming to the Central Library. We are the second in Poland to launch SILENT BOOK CLUB. In the conference and exhibition room, we will create a space friendly to introverts and not only, where we will devote ourselves together to our greatest passion: silent reading. Everyone is welcome, both lovers of romance and crime novels. Take what you are currently reading with you or borrow something on site, sit comfortably in an armchair and devote yourself to reading.

Free admission tickets are required in the form of a bookmark , available for collection at the adult rental desk. 

Find more information and our next meetings here

Trend rodem z Nowego Jorku trafia do Biblioteki Centralnej. Jako drudzy w Polsce ruszamy z SILENT BOOK CLUB. W sali konferencyjno-wystawowej stworzymy przestrzeń przyjazną dla introwertyków i nie tylko, gdzie wspólnie oddamy się naszej największej pasji: cichemu czytaniu. Każdy jest mile widziany, zarówno miłośnik romansów, jak i kryminałów. Zabierz ze sobą to, co aktualnie czytasz lub wypożycz coś na miejscu, usiądź wygodnie w fotelu i oddaj się lekturze.

Obowiązują darmowe wejściówki w formie zakładki, do odbioru w wypożyczalni dla dorosłych.

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Munich Silent Book Club / Munich, Germany

Munich Silent Book Club / Munich, Germany

Munich Silent Book Club: This group is inspired by the Silent Book Club Group in Berlin, and we'd love to start here in Munich as well. The idea is to create a space where introverted book lovers, or anyone with a few spare hours and a desire to gather, can come together to read over coffee or tea on the weekends.

All nationalities, languages and ages are welcome!

Policy: Bring your own books! (Or feel free to join us even if you just want to jot down important events from your week in a journal). The event is planned for 1.5 hours on Saturday mornings at 11:00 a.m. We’ll begin with brief introductions and answer a prompt so we can get to know our fellow introverts and bookworms. After that, it’s quiet reading time—no need to interact or discuss your book. Since everyone will be reading their own material, there won’t be a group discussion, but you’re welcome to chat and share thoughts afterward if you’d like!

The event is free of charge.

Find more information and our next meetup here

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