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Local Chapters

Chatham, NY, USA | Chatham Public Library

Chatham, NY, USA | Chatham Public Library

Do you want to set aside some time each month to read? Do you like the idea of a book club, but don't love the idea of assigned reading? Join the Chatham Public Library Silent Book Club Chapter!

Here's how it works:
- Gather with friends and neighbors at the library every month
- Bring whatever you're reading (ebooks and audio books are welcome, as long as you use headphones!)
- Chat and grab some snacks for the first 30 minutes
- Read quietly for the next hour

Find our upcoming meetings and more information here!

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Platteville, Wisconsin | Platteville Public Library Silent Book Club

Platteville, Wisconsin | Platteville Public Library Silent Book Club

Do you enjoy reading books but don't want to join one of our other book clubs because you don't want the assigned reading commitment? Do you long for the days when your elementary school teacher gave you assigned quiet reading time?

At the Platteville Public Library Silent Book Club, all readers are welcome. It's BYOB- bring your own book! E-readers, audiobooks (with headphones), textbooks, graphic novels and traditional books are all welcome at our events.

We'll meet at the library and you can help yourself to some refreshments and get nice and comfy for the first ten minutes.

We read silently for one hour.

We socialize for the last twenty minutes.

We go home knowing we ate, met great people, and finally set aside time to read our to be read book(s).

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Ghent, Belgium | Faculty Library of Arts & Philosophy of Ghent University

Ghent, Belgium | Faculty Library of Arts & Philosophy of Ghent University

Part of the Faculty Library of Arts & Philosophy of Ghent University is transformed into a Silent Book Club every last Monday of the month.
We provide a cozy place where you can read in silence for an hour (or a bit longer), with a drink within reach. All technology is omitted so participants can read their favorite books in silence. Bring your own book or borrow one from our quirky selection or our entire collection. Those who wish can chat afterwards.

Een deel van de Faculteitsbibliotheek Letteren & Wijsbegeerte van Universiteit Gent wordt elke laatste maandag van de maand omgetoverd tot een Silent Book Club.
We bieden een gezellige plek en gezellige plek waar je in stilte een uur (of een beetje langer) kan lezen, met een drankje binnen handbereik. Alle technologie blijft achterwege zodat de deelnemers in stilte hun favoriete boeken kunnen lezen. Breng je eigen boek mee of leen er eentje uit onze eigenzinnige selectie of de hele collectie. Wie wil, kan achteraf napraten.

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Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, USA | Dimmick Memorial Library Silent Book Club

Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, USA | Dimmick Memorial Library Silent Book Club

Welcome to the Dimmick Memorial Library Silent Book Club, where we come together to read in comfortable silence, followed by optional conversations about our books or anything else that sparks joy.

Why Join?
No Pressure: Just bring your book and enjoy the quiet.
All Genres Welcome: From thrillers to fantasy, memoirs to sci-fi, and everything in between – everyone is invited.
Casual & Comfortable: Whether you’re a bookworm or a newcomer, we’re here to make reading enjoyable.
Meet Like-Minded People: Connect with fellow readers in a peaceful, non-judgmental space.

How to Join:
Simply show up with your favorite book, grab a seat, and let the pages turn themselves. (Optional discussion after reading.)

Find our upcoming meetings and more information here.

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Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Sssst… je boek roept je! Sluit je aan bij de Silent Bookclub. Een club met maar één regel: verdwalen in een goed verhaal.

De Silent Book Club geeft jou de rust om eindelijk weer eens een boek open te slaan. Met goed leeslicht, een lekker drankje én andere stillezers om je heen. Zonder verplichte lees- en gespreksstof kom en ga je wanneer jij wilt. Je leest wat jij wilt, zonder afleiding.

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Waterford, CT | Waterford Public Library

Waterford, CT | Waterford Public Library

"Silent Book Club ® is a global community of readers, with more than 1500 chapters in 54 countries around the world led by local volunteers. SBC members gather in public at bars, cafes, bookstores, libraries, and online to read together in quiet camaraderie."

All readers are welcome—ebooks or audiobooks, poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction . . . it's BYOBook. This book club is all about enjoying your reading, in whatever format works for you, in a laid-back, pressure-free setting! Open to adults and teens. No registration required. Find more information and our upcoming meetings here.

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Berlin, Germany | SBC Berlin Friedrichshain

Berlin, Germany | SBC Berlin Friedrichshain

Hast du auch das Gefühl, dass das Lesen immer zu kurz kommt? Dann gönn dir eine Stunde geplante Lesezeit. In gemütlicher Atmosphäre ohne Ablenkungen kannst du endlich in Ruhe lesen. Und das Beste: Snacks und Getränke stehen bereit, um dein Leseerlebnis zu verfeinern! Weitere Informationen und unsere nächsten Termine findest du hier!

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