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Paderborn, Germany | Stadtbibliothek Paderborn

Paderborn, Germany | Stadtbibliothek Paderborn

Lust auf eine entspannte Lesezeit in gemütlicher Atmosphäre ohne Vorgaben? Dann ist der Silent Book Club Paderborn in der Stadtbibliothek das richtige für dich.
Hier kannst du ein mitgebrachtes Buch, eBook oder eine Zeitschrift lesen oder im Bestand der Bibliothek stöbern und dort etwas auswählen. Jeder ist willkommen, es gibt keine Vorgabe zu den Medien die gelesen werden und auch keine verpflichtende Besprechung im Anschluss.
Einmal im Monat, mittwochs ab 18:15 Uhr nach Schließung der Bibliothek
Was erwartet dich?
18:15-18:30 Uhr Ankommen, optional Auswahl eines Buchs oder Getränks im Café der Bibliothek
18:30-19:30 Uhr stille Lesezeit inmitten der Bücherregale
19:30-20:00 Uhr Austausch, diese halbe Stunde ist optional – hier kannst du über dein aktuelles Buch sprechen oder einfach neue Leute kennenlernen
Die aktuellen Termine sind im Veranstaltungskalender auf der Website der Bibliothek zu finden.

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San Antonio, TX | San Antonio Public Library

San Antonio, TX | San Antonio Public Library

The San Antonio Public Library (SAPL) Silent Book Club chapter was founded to provide readers with the opportunity to participate in a silent book club while also exploring library branch locations around the city. The book club will meet once a month at various times/dates, and snacks and drinks will be provided. Find our upcoming meetings and more information here.

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River Grove, IL | SBC Triton Library

River Grove, IL | SBC Triton Library

Welcome to Triton Library's newly formed Silent Book Club. We're excited to have you join us every month for either a chance to catch up on your favorite book or one you've just been meaning to get to. Audiobooks are welcome with headphones and the public is welcome to join the group, too. The Triton Library is a welcoming community full of readers. Come spend some time with us! 45 minutes of reading followed by 15 to socialize. For more information, visit:

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Bourbonnais, Illinois

Bourbonnais, Illinois

What's that? You've been caught reading in your community! Join us, Silent Book Club Bourbonnais, for 30 minutes of book chat with other lit-lovers, followed by 90 minutes of uninterrupted, quiet reading. Each month, we'll explore a new community spot to meet, share, and read together. Bring a book, find your crowd, read together — no talking allowed! For adults 18+. Find our upcoming meetings and more information here

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Hamburg, Germany | DENKtRÄUME Silent Book Club

Hamburg, Germany | DENKtRÄUME Silent Book Club

Welcome to the Silent Book Club at the feminist library DENKtRÄUME! Join us once a month in the serene ambiance of the library as we immerse ourselves in our chosen reads and engage in thoughtful discussions about the books we've explored. This club provides a safer space exclusively for FLINTA* individuals (women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, transgender, agender). You are warmly encouraged to bring any book you'd like to enjoy and share, or choose one from our library's vast feminist collection. We look forward to welcoming you!

Follow us on Instagram or visit our homepage ( for information on out upcoming events!

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Van Wert, OH | Brumback Silent Book Club

Van Wert, OH | Brumback Silent Book Club

The Van Wert County, Brumback Silent Book Club is a welcoming and relaxed gathering for book lovers of all kinds! Unlike traditional book clubs, there’s no required reading or assigned books—just bring whatever you’re currently enjoying. We begin each session with light conversation and the option to share your reading picks, then spend quiet time immersed in our individual books. This flexible format is perfect for busy readers who value community and uninterrupted reading time. Join us to connect with fellow book enthusiasts and savor the joy of reading in a supportive and peaceful atmosphere!

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