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How to Start a Silent Book Club

SBC Puerto Rico West Side

SBC Puerto Rico West Side

Thanks for your interest in Silent Book Club! We'd love to help you start a chapter of your own. 

SBC chapters are organized by volunteers who commit to meeting at least once a month in the host city. Organizers are responsible for locating a venue, scheduling the meetup, and greeting fellow readers at the event.

An example SBC evening meetup looks like this: 

6:00-6:30pm - People arrive, order drinks/food, share what they're reading
6:30-7:30pm - Quiet reading hour
7:30-8:00pm - Optional socializing, or just keep reading 

But you are welcome to make it your own—change the timing, remove any socializing, add more discussion time, it's up to you!

Some fine print: Silent Book Club® is a registered trademark of Silent Book Club LLC (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reg no. 5798692). Read our Organizer Terms and Conditions.

Launch a new chapter

(Leggi in italiano)

  1. Choose your location. First, check our website to see if there is already a chapter near you. We're happy to support more than one chapter per city, but you may have one close by you can help host as a co-organizer. Email us at if you're interested in connecting with a local organizer.

  2. Name your chapter. To be added to our network and published on our website, your chapter must include "Silent Book Club" in its name.* For a business hosting meetups, the event name must include "Silent Book Club." For free-standing chapters, your chapter name and/or social media profile must include "Silent Book Club." Best practice: create a gmail or other email address just for your chapter (e.g. so all organizers have access and it stays with the group.

  3. Set up your chapter events page. You must have a public location online where people can find event details. This can be an event site (Bookclubs.comEventbrite), a social media page (Facebook pagegroupInstagram), or a blog or website. Attendees should easily be able to find your events and see information about your chapter. We provide a Style Guide, templates and logos for you to use here.

  4. Schedule your first events. Decide on a venue, date and time for your first events. Each chapter is unique to its community: some meet in bars, breweries or coffee shops, others in bookstores, libraries, or outdoors in a park. You must have at least one event posted before submitting your chapter to us. Then, invite your friends! 

  5. Register your chapter. Submit your location on our website to have your new chapter added to our map! 

Two bonus tips: 

  • Schedule 2-4 events from the start. If someone can't join your first they can then plan for another future date.
  • Find a cohost, either before you start or with some early regulars. It helps ensure you can reach more people, and if something comes up you have back-up.

A note about naming: We own the trademark to the name "Silent Book Club," so you must register through our website if you want to host Silent Book Clubs. If you would prefer not to be part of our organization, you must call your event by another name (e.g. Cozy Reading Party).

Updating your chapter info

If you are an existing chapter organizer and need to update the listing on our website, the pin location on our map, or the contact information for the organizers, please email the changes to

Closing your chapter

Life happens! If you can no longer host your Silent Book Club, we first recommend putting out a call to your members to see if anyone else would like to take over as co-organizer. If you need to close down your chapter, email us at so that we can remove the listing from our site. Per our organizer agreement, you are required to shut down any social media accounts or event sites that use the Silent Book Club name or branding.