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Brussel / Laken, Belgium

Brussel / Laken, Belgium

De Silent Book Club van de bibliotheek Stad Brussel/ Laken is een moment voor boekenliefhebbers om samen rustig lezen. Geen telefoon, geen discussies en zware analyses. Enkel de liefde voor het boek en een lekker tussendoortje. Of je nu graag houdt van romans, je onderdompelt in Scandinavische crimi, wegdroomt bij romantische verhalen, geniet van non-fictie of poëzie, je bent van harte welkom in de bibliotheek. Per thema voorziet de bib boeken indien gewenst.


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Belgium, Wisconsin, USA

Belgium, Wisconsin, USA

Welcome to The Silent Book Club of Oz! (SBCO) The goal of this “silent book club” is to create a community space within Ozaukee County, WI, where there is no assigned book you may not personally enjoy, to be able to just show up, spend time with friends or make new book-ish friends, and most importantly, to simply read your book/e-reader/audiobook with no pressure, sharing only if you want to!

We aim to meet once a month for an hour of silent reading at a local restaurant/bar/coffee shop/park etc. Book club meetings are free to attend, but buying something from each month's establishment is highly encouraged. It is a great way to try new places to eat and drink with other readers in the community! This book club is geared for adults, providing a designated time away from the house simply to read. Bring a book to exchange or find your next read in the ever-changing SBCO Little Free Library at each meeting!

Find us on Facebook. Tag your SBCO experience on social media #bookclubofoz

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Brussels, Belgium (Bibliotheek)

Brussels, Belgium (Bibliotheek)

NL: Wil je dit jaar meer lezen maar staat je boek nog steeds ongelezen in de kast of ben je toe aan wat rustig gezelschap? Kom dan naar de Silent Book Club in de bibliotheek! Breng je eigen boek mee of leen eentje uit onze collectie en lees samen met andere boekenwurmen in alle rust en stilte. Alle boeken en alle lezers zijn welkom!

EN: Are you looking for some quiet time? Come by for Silent Book Club events at the library.
Bring your own book or borrow one of ours and read together in silence. All books and readers are welcome!

FR: Vous souhaitez de lire davantage ou vous recherchez un moment de calme ? Venez participer aux Silent Book Club à la bibliothèque. Apportez votre propre livre ou empruntez-en un de notre collection et lisez ensemble en silence. Tous les livres et lecteurs sont les bienvenus!

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Kortrijk, Belgium

Kortrijk, Belgium

Welcome to Silent Book Club Kortrijk. We are an inclusive, no-stress bookclub, just bring yourself and whatever you're reading (all genres welcome). We meet up in bookstore 'Tiny Stories' where we share (or not ) what we're reading before going across the street to café De Dingen where we cozely sit down for a quiet read (so basically happy hour for introverts).

After an hour you can choose to either socialize and chat with the other booklovers or you can just keep reading.
Further information about future meet-ups follow @tinystoriesboekhandel

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