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Local Chapters

Jakobstad/Pietarsaari, Finland

Jakobstad/Pietarsaari, Finland
Silent Book Club is a quiet book club at Jakobstad city library for those who want to dedicate time to reading in peace. We start the book club with a short chat, after which you can read or listen to your own book or choose one from the books available on-site. After an hour of quiet reading, you can share your thoughts on what you've read with others or continue reading for a little longer.

The library offers coffee, tea, and something sweet. You can bring a blanket or pillows to create your own cozy reading corner.

All interested are welcome to enjoy an hour of personal reading in the company of others. Find out more information on our Facebook page.
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Lahti, Finland

Lahti, Finland
Welcome to Silent Book Club Lahti! We meet once a month to read together for an hour. Bring your book, audiobook or e-reader and enjoy a relaxing and quiet reading time with other bookworms.

Follow us on Instagram for details about upcoming events.


Tervetuloa Lahden Silent Book Clubiin! Tapaamme kerran kuussa pysähtyäksemme lukemaan tunniksi yhdessä. Ota mukaan kirja, äänikirja tai e-kirja ja tule nauttimaan rauhallisesta ja hiljaisesta lukuhetkestä muiden kanssa.

Seuraa meitä Instagramissa. Saat sieltä lisätietoa tulevista tapaamisista.
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Hyvinkää, Finland

Hyvinkää, Finland

Welcome to SBC Hyvinkää! We gather once a month to read and socialize (if you so wish). Bring your book – or pick one from the café's Little Free Library – and enjoy a relaxing afternoon with other bookworms.

Follow us on Instagram for details about upcoming meetups.

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Eno, Finland

Eno, Finland

We meet (at least) once a month, enjoy coffee, tea, and a chat for the first 30 minutes or so, and then silently read together for an hour.

Check our website for information about upcoming meetups.

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Kotka, Finland

Kotka, Finland
Hiljainen lukupiiri Kotka alkaa syyskuussa 2024. Nähdään silloin!

Silent Book Club will start in September 2024. See you there!

Follow us on Instagram to find out more about our upcoming meetups.
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Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland

Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland
Silent Book Club Rovaniemi gathers approximately once a month to read for an hour. You're welcome to join us!

Information about our upcoming meetings can be found on our Instagram, where you'll also find a link to our WhatsApp group.
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Vaasa, Finland

Vaasa, Finland

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to culture, art, community, inclusion, diversity and sustainability projects. We will be organizing the Silent Book Club chapter Vaasa every month. The meetings will be held in our community library where we have books in several languages but people can always bring their own book, of course. We will have coffee and cookies available for participants. We love reading and creating warm spaces where everyone feels welcome. The person responsible for holding these events is Ivonne Carlos, culture and community engagement expert of our organization.

Join us on Facebook for information about upcoming events.

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Kouvola, Finland

Kouvola, Finland
Kouvolan hiljainen lukupiiri kokoontuu noin kerran kuukaudessa. Tervetuloa mukaan! Tapaamisista ilmoitetaan ainakin Instagramissa ja Facebookissa.

Silent Book Club Kouvola meets appr. once a month. Follow us on Instagram!
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