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Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Norfolk, Virginia, USA

SBC Norfolk is dedicated to fostering a community of readers by reading together at various locations around our amazing city. Please visit our Instagram for any questions or suggestions.

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King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK

King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK
The Silent Book Club King's Lynn is a place to exist in peace amongst other book lovers (whilst also ignoring them!). It's about treating yourself to some time devoted to reading in companionable silence and trading book recommendations. There's no set book - everyone can read what they like, and sharing reviews is optional.

Grab a drink, your tea (if you like) and your book and switch off from the world. There is no pressure to speak.

Monthly meet-up details can be found on 
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Newport, RI
Grayslake, IL
Bartow, FL
Vantaa, Uusimaa, Finland
Lakeland, FL | Pressed Books & Coffee