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Local Chapters

Hamburg, NY

Hamburg, NY
Welcome to our chapter of the Silent Book Club at the Comfort Zone Cafe!
This is an after-hours event so arrival at 6:30pm will allow you to snag a snack or drink before the fun starts.
6:30-7 Place orders of desired, mingle, introduction/what are you reading
7-8pm Shhhh we're reading 😎📖🤫
8-8:30pm Mingle and chat about what you read or keep reading.

We will meet monthly on the last Thursday of the month beginning in August of 2023.
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Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg, Germany
You do enjoy reading and live in the western part of Hamburg (from Gross Flottbek to Rissen or Wedel) and would like to find a group close by to exchange on your latest finds and connect with like-minded book lovers?

This group will aim to organise both in person and online meetings and suggest one book per month, all genres included, to expand our literary horizon fields. We will also set-up online and in RL silent book club events

This group will also propose some creative writing sessions from time to time so stay tuned if you are interested!
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