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Local Chapters

Roanoke, Texas, USA (The Novel Narwhal)

Roanoke, Texas, USA (The Novel Narwhal)
Welcome to the Novel Narwhal Silent Book Club Chapter in Roanoke, Texas! We are just getting started and meet once a month at a local business in Roanoke (Texas, not Virginia).

Just bring your current book, eBook, or audiobook and get ready to read in a room surrounded by other readers.

Learn more at our Facebook group.
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Roanoke, Virginia, United States

Roanoke, Virginia, United States
Welcome to Introvert Happy Hour!

It can be hard to make friends as adults and the world can be awful lonely. Why not meet up with likeminded book nerds to hang out in comfortable silence then maybe bond over mutual interests? No need to read the same book, feeling pressured by deadlines or other people’s opinions. Just come out, bring your latest pull from your TBR pile and settle in.

To find out when we are meeting next, join the Roanoke chapter of the Silent Book Club on Facebook, or sign up here to be updated by email.
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