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Local Chapters

Manchester, Iowa

Manchester, Iowa

Calling all 'Booktroverts'...remember silent reading time as a kid? How come they don't have that for grownups?
They do! Meet us at the Nook, once a month. Share a book you just finished, one you're currently reading, or one you're about to start. Find new book buds that love the same genres. Find some book recommendations outside your usual genre.
Then, after just the perfect amount of socializing...shhh! It's time to read.

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Manchester, UK

Manchester, UK

Silent Book Club is an unsuspecting little global movement that brings people and books together twice a month. Its only intention is to take time out of our busy schedules to simply relax and read in companionable silence. There’s no assigned reading. Most importantly, everyone is welcome.

Join our group and find the next event here!
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Manchester, NH

Manchester, NH

The Silent Book Club is an organization for people who love to read. Each month, the members of the Manchester, NH chapter meet in a local cafe, order drinks/food, share book recommendations, then settle down to read quietly for a good hour.

Everyone is welcome. Read what you want. There are no assigned titles or deadlines. Just bring a book and treat yourself to an uninterrupted hour of fiction, nonfiction or poetry. 

Learn when the next one is here.

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Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK
Reidsville, NC
Viseu, Viseu, Portugal
Maricopa, Arizona
Corvallis, OR