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Local Chapters

Yakima, WA

Yakima, WA

Yakima Chapter of Silent Book Club. This book club is for everyone who loves reading, and wants a non-traditional book club.

At least once a month, we'll meet up in-person a designated location to read. Bring your own book (no designated book!), meet other readers, and read in peace for an hour or two! Join our group here to learn more.

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Camas, Washington, USA

Camas, Washington, USA

Welcome to Silent Book Club at the Camas Public Library! It's a book club without the assigned reading! Join fellow book lovers for an hour of silent reading and then socializing afterwards (optional).

Learn more here

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Ballard, Washington (Seattle)

Ballard, Washington (Seattle)
Bring a book you’ve been meaning to read, come solo or with a bookish buddy, and prepare yourself for a magical night. Some begin reading right away while others prefer to chat about book recs and current reads. There is space for all! We will meet in a location with snacks and drinks to enjoy while we settle in for a night of reading.

Settle In 7:00-7:30
Silent Reading 7:30-8:30
Chat & Bookish Wrap Up 8:30- 9:00

Everyone is welcome.

Follow @silentbookclubballard for details ✨
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Kent, WA

Kent, WA

Silent Book Club chapter serving the Kent, WA and Auburn, WA community.

🗓️First Thurs. of every month
📚Bring whatever you’re currently reading!

Find upcoming meetup details on Instagram.

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Republic, WA

Republic, WA

Have you ever wanted to join a book club to meet other readers and get book recommendations but didn't want to have an awkward discussion about a book you didn't even like? This is the group for you!

We meet Sundays from 3-5 pm at Republic Brewing Company. Bring your current read, sit in silent camaraderie with other book lovers, and enjoy some delicious beverages.

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Snohomish County, WA

Snohomish County, WA

We are looking for fellow book lovers who love reading, love relaxing with a good book and enjoys silent camaraderie.

Please share our community with those who you think will be interested.

We will meet once a month at different locations around the County so any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

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