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Local Chapters

Couth Buzzard Silent Book Club - Seattle, WA

Couth Buzzard Silent Book Club - Seattle, WA
Bring a book and cozy up at the Couth! We're setting aside Sunday evenings as a time when the community can gather for quiet reading. If you'd like to quietly chat about your books, feel free to grab a seat at the bar - otherwise, find a nook in the rest of the store, grab a drink or a bite, and dig into some pages. Find our next meeting and more information here Continue reading

Seattle, Washington, USA (Body Reflects + Seattle Book Club)

Seattle, Washington, USA (Body Reflects + Seattle Book Club)

Join us for a gentle yoga session + silent reading time, occurring monthly at Body Reflects yoga studio in the Lower Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle.

It is a collaboration between two small Seattle businesses, Body Reflects and Seattle Book Club (an online secondhand bookstore).

Find upcoming dates at

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Seattle, Washington, USA (Flying Bike Cooperative)

Seattle, Washington, USA (Flying Bike Cooperative)

Introvert Night Out! Join us at Washington's first Co-op brewery for Silent Book Club...the club that has NO homework assignments, just the opportunity to enjoy your current good read among others also enjoying their books.

Bring your current favorite book, sit in silent camaraderie with other book lovers, and enjoy some of our Member Driven Beers!

Find the Silent Book Club sessions on our calendar at Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery, and follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

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Seattle, Washington, USA (Capitol Hill)

Seattle, Washington, USA (Capitol Hill)

We are a diverse group of people who all have at least one thing in common: we love to read! This is a no pressure opportunity to get out into the community and share your love of books.

Join us as we meet on a bi-weekly basis to enjoy the comfort of losing ourselves in our books. Please visit our Instagram for details on our next gathering!

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Silent Book Club - Seattle (New!) 6/29

Silent Book Club - Seattle (New!) 6/29

Wednesday, June 29, 2016 

Shug's Soda Fountain 
1525 1st Ave, Seattle, WA

Introducing our sweetest Silent Book Club yet!

Seattle has a long history of reading with friends. The Sorrento Hotel has been hosting silent reading parties since 2009, when The Stranger's editor-in-chief Christopher Frizzelle came up with the idea. (They meet on the first Wednesday of the month. You should go!)

But we've always said the more the merrier. And did you catch the part about the soda fountain? Two words: Champagne floats. We're talking Gatsby-level decadence here. 

Bring a book and a friend, and drop in any time between 5:30-7:30pm on the last Monday of the month for sweets and reads. See you there!

RSVP here

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