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Daegu, South Korea

Daegu, South Korea

Meet. Greet. Read. Unlike regular book clubs, Silent Book Club Daegu skips the assigned books and the stress of keeping up. Instead, members bring along their favorite books and quietly share their joy of reading with other bibliophiles. There are regular scheduled meetings as well as ad-hoc sessions whenever members feel like it. Find more information and our upcoming meetings here.

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Seoul, South Korea

Seoul, South Korea

Want to meet like-minded book lovers in Seoul? Seoul Silent Book Club is the answer you’ve been seeking. We’re a small, friendly community that offers a relaxed atmosphere with no assigned reading and no pressure.

Bring your own book, enjoy an hour of quiet reading, and connect with others afterward if you'd like to chat about what you're reading. All are welcome!

Follow us on Instagram for details about upcoming meetups.

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Seoul Silent Book Club strives to create third places for avid readers The Korea Times

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