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Jeju Island, South Korea

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Jeju Island, South Korea

Do you enjoy reading books?  Do you wanna bring your book and have an Introverted Happy Hour?  Well then, this is for you.  

Welcome to Jeju Island Silent Book Club! With our book club, you can read any book/magazine/ereader/whatever you want!  

We'll meet at a local restaurant/bar/cafe.
You order your drinks, food, and socialize for the first 15-30 minutes.
We read silently for one hour.
Then, after the silent reading you can: continue reading, socialize and talk about your reading, or head out! 
We don't want too many rules here. Just want to provide a different kind of socializing on the island.  

We go home knowing we checked out a local business, met great people, and finally set aside time to read our to be read book(s). Find our upcoming meetings and more information here!