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Local Chapters

Plano, Texas, USA

Plano, Texas, USA

Love books? Are you a book lover who craves quiet time to dive into a good read? Silent Book Club – Plano would love to have you!

We meet in the North Dallas area around Plano, Carrollton, The Colony, and surrounding suburbs. Once a month, choose a book, bring yourself and your chosen book to our meetup location where we'll start with a brief introduction, then it’s lights off, silence on, and books open! At the end, chat with other book lovers! Who knows, maybe you’ll add to that ever-growing TBR! 

Check out our Instagram for more information, to RSVP, and to keep up with announcements or find us on Facebook. Come read with us! 

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Plano, Illinois

Plano, Illinois

A book club unlike others. We meet at the quiet room at the Plano Library to read our own books together in silent camaraderie.

Every Thursday from 7 to 8, come spend an hour with other readers in the quiet area of the Adult Section! Learn more here.

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