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Local Chapters

Houston, TX (Inner Loop)

Houston, TX (Inner Loop)

 Read what you want, talk as much as you want or just listen and discover new books. Hardback, paperback, graphic novel, textbook, kindle - all formats welcome.

We grab a snack or drink, visit for a while, read for an hour and then visit again if so desired.

Find our next meetup here!

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South East Houston, TX

South East Houston, TX

We are a subset of the main Houston group! We found that it wasn't always feasible for us to go into downtown Houston for meet ups, so here we are!

We are open to anyone joining us, but cater primarily to the suburbs South East of Houston, towards Galveston. Join our group and RSVP here. 

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Houston Heights, TX

Houston Heights, TX

There’s no assigned reading, Silent Book Club is about taking time out of your busy schedule to simply relax and read. 

Join us on the fourth Thursday of the month for some quality time with like-minded people who love to read, share book recommendations, and socialize over a cup of tea or coffee.

Join the Houston Heights chapter on Facebook for event updates.


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