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Local Chapters

Farmington, Arkansas, USA

Farmington, Arkansas, USA

Gather with friends each month, share your current read, and spend time reading with your community. The library will provide a comfortable gathering place with snacks. We'll also have a book display that you can choose a book from. Or bring your own.

Visit the library events page for more information about our meetups.

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Farmington, Michigan (USA)

Farmington, Michigan (USA)

We are Farmington's first Silent Book Club.

At Farmington Silent Book Club, there's no assigned reading. All readers are welcome—ebooks, audiobooks, textbooks, comic books... it's BYOBook.

Our events are free and support local businesses. Friends and strangers gather at a set time and location, order food or drinks, and settle in for an hour of silent, sustained reading. At the end of the hour, attendees engage in a low pressure, introvert friendly social hour.

Often with traditional book clubs, there's the scramble to finish the selected book, and the pressure to have something smart to say. Wouldn't it be great to have a book club where you could just enjoy books, friends, and drinks—without any homework?

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