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Local Chapters

Spokane, Washington, USA (LGBTQ)

Spokane, Washington, USA (LGBTQ)

Welcome to the Queer Silent Book Club of Spokane, an inclusive community for queer folks to meet up to chat and read together. We meet monthly, enjoy some refreshments, chat and share all things books. Read the book YOU want, and grow friendships along the way. No assigned books and no time’s fantastic! LGBTQ+ friendly and all are welcome!

Find us on Instagram for upcoming meetups.

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Spokane, WA (North)

Spokane, WA (North)

We meet monthly in Spokane, WA, a quiet yet vibrant gathering takes place—a meeting where book lovers of all kinds come together. Whether you're an introvert who prefers the company of words over conversation, or an extrovert eager to share the joy of a great read, this club is for you. Whether you’re drawn to the feel of a physical book or enjoy swiping through your favorite e-book, you'll find a place here.

The Silent Book Club offers a chance to escape the everyday and be surrounded by fellow readers who understand the magic of getting lost in a story. No pressure to talk—just bring your book and let the pages turn as you sit among like-minded people.

What's even better? Each meeting supports local small businesses, as we host our gatherings in their welcoming spaces. Join us in-person, connect with fellow bookworms, and enjoy the quiet company of a group that values the simple pleasure of reading.

Follow us on Instagram @silentbookclubspokane for updates, monthly book inspirations, and more. We're also on Facebook, Threads, and Bookclubs—find us there and become a part of our community!

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Spokane, WA (South)

Spokane, WA (South)
Silent Book Club meeting the first Tuesday of every month in Spokane, WA. (South Hill, Spokane Valley, and U-District)

Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, thriller or romance lover, or just simply want to get out of the house to read around other people, we want to be in community with you.

Join us in-person for an opportunity to connect with other book lovers while enjoying your own book of choice. Find us on Instagram @silentbookclub.spokane for updates and what our group is enjoying each month.
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