Spokane, WA (South)

Silent Book Club meeting the first Tuesday of every month in Spokane, WA. (South Hill, Spokane Valley, and U-District)
Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, thriller or romance lover, or just simply want to get out of the house to read around other people, we want to be in community with you.
Join us in-person for an opportunity to connect with other book lovers while enjoying your own book of choice. Find us on Instagram @silentbookclub.spokane for updates and what our group is enjoying each month.
Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, thriller or romance lover, or just simply want to get out of the house to read around other people, we want to be in community with you.
Join us in-person for an opportunity to connect with other book lovers while enjoying your own book of choice. Find us on Instagram @silentbookclub.spokane for updates and what our group is enjoying each month.