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Local Chapters

Rome, Georgia, USA

Rome, Georgia, USA

An introvert’s dream and bookworm’s favorite pass time collide in this quiet, calm club! Everyone in the Rome area community is welcome to join our chapter! Grab the book you’re currently reading or the one that’s been sitting on your shelf collecting dust (you know which one I’m talking about) and come befriend some fellow readers in your community!

We meet every month on different days of the week and at different times so follow our Facebook group to stay up to date.

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La Bottèga, Rome, Italy

La Bottèga, Rome, Italy

Siamo tre amiche: Francesca, Micaela e Nicoletta. Ci piacciono le storie, quelle sui libri, quelle dentro le persone. Amiamo leggere e condividere. E pure il tè. Ti aspettiamo in Bottèga, la nostra tana, per stare insieme e sfogliare le pagine con una mano e con l'altra tenere una tazza di tè.

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