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Tr-Cities, Washington, USA

Tr-Cities, Washington, USA
Welcome to book lover happy hour! Silent Book Club is a space to share our love of books and to meet other book lovers. Please bring your current read, any format is welcome. We meet twice a month, first Friday evenings and mid-month Saturday mornings at various locations around the Tri-Cities Washington area. 

All are welcome! Check out our Instagram @silenbookclub.tricities or send an email to to be added to our mailing list.
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Richland, Michigan, USA

Richland, Michigan, USA

The Richland Area Community Center is happy to host The Silent Book Club in our quiet Sunroom! Meet times will be on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9 AM. Bring your own book and read in group silence for an hour. At the end, we’ll take 15-30 minutes to discuss what we’ve been reading or simply socialize. Discussion is optional – participate as much or as little as you’d like. Bring your own coffee or tea!

Join us on Facebook.

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