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Gothenburg, Sweden

Gothenburg, Sweden

Welcome to Silent Book Club Gothenburg

If you are looking for people to read with and a space for uninterrupted reading time, this is the book club for you! We read together in cozy cafes and bookshops in Gothenburg Central. There is no homework - read whatever you want. Join us for an hour of reading, and some socializing - if you like!

For more information and upcoming meetups, click here. See you around!

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Gothenburg, Sweden

Gothenburg, Sweden

Vi håller till på Kulturhuset Bergsjön, i Göteborg, en torsdag i månaden från klockan 18. Du kan ta med dig vilken bok du vill. Efteråt har du möjlighet att prata om vad du läst.

Du hittar arrangemanget på Facebook and Instagram Kulturhuset Bergsjön (@kulturhusetbergsjon) • Foton och videor på Instagram


Welcome to Silent Book Club at Kulturhuset Bergsjön, in Gothenburg, Sweden. We meet one Thursday a month, from 6 pm during the spring. You can bring any book you want. We read one hour, and you have the opportunity to talk about what you read afterwards.

You can find our events on Facebook and Instagram at Kulturhuset Bergsjön (@kulturhusetbergsjon)

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