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Local Chapters

Chattanooga, TN (Oddstory)

Chattanooga, TN (Oddstory)

We meet the first Thursday of every month at Oddstory in Chattanooga! Come hang out and read with us. We are a welcoming group who loves to meet new people and talk about what we are reading, or let you read in silence and then go on your merry way.

We are just happy to have you with us, no matter your preference!

Find more info and upcoming meetups on Instagram.

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Chattanooga, TN

Chattanooga, TN
Join us in the Scenic city once a month for an introverted happy hour, without the pressure of assigned readings, discussions or mandated books.

Enjoy a sense of camaraderie as we silently immerse ourselves within the pages of whatever we choose to read.

All are welcome as we build an inclusive and respectful community of readers.

Find our meetups here.
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