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Nottingham SW, United Kingdom

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Nottingham SW, United Kingdom

At Silent Book Club, there's no assigned reading. All readers are welcome—ebooks, audiobooks, textbooks, comic books... it's BYOBook. Friends and strangers gather at a set time and location, order food or drinks, share what they're reading, and settle in for an hour of silent reading. At the end of the hour, attendees can socialize—or not, it's up to you!

We'll start the meeting with quick introductions and sharing what we’re reading (if you want to share, no pressure!) Don’t worry if you’re running late, just pull up a chair and join us when you can!

6:00pm - Arrive, order drinks/food, get settled and introduce yourself/what you're reading (if you're comfortable doing so)

6:30pm - Quiet reading hour

7:30pm-8:00pm - Feel free to stick around and chat, keep reading, or head home for the night.

Meetings are free to attend, but you're encouraged to support our host location by buying a drink or something to eat, if you can.

Join us on Facebook for information about our upcoming meetups.