Caledonia, Ontario, Canada (Friends of the Caledonia Library)

Would you like to read with other book loving people without assigned books or necessary review discussions?
Then come join the Friends of the Caledonia Library at our Silent Book Club, where talking about books you enjoy is optional. Bring your own books, ebooks, audiobooks, comic books, graphic novels, textbooks, or borrow one from our library; because all reading is reading.
Snacks will be provided for a small fee as a fundraising effort to support our library needs, programs, and events.
6:00 - 6:30 pm : Have a snack, chat, find a seat
6:30 - 7:30 pm : Quiet reading time
7:30 - 8:00 pm : Optional socializing or continued reading
Visit our Facebook page to find out more about our meetups.