What's Your Favorite Genre?

San Diego's Silent Book Club gathers each month at Caffè Calabria to enjoy savory and sweet pizza, coffee, and chianti—and reading, of course.
At the last meetup, the question of the night was, "What is your favorite genre and what book would you recommend from this genre for someone reading it for the first time?"
Chapter organizer Janet compiled the answers in a Facebook post, and kindly allowed us to share them with you here:
Abby — GENRE: Mystery (crime drama/fiction, true crime, "who-dun-it", murder mystery)
BOOK: I'll Be Gone in the Dark (true crime) and Girl on the Train (fiction)
James — GENRE: Mystery
BOOK: Murder on Orient Express ("Not only is it a classic, but it keeps the reader guessing and has some of the best elements of a great mystery.")
Krystle — GENRE: Historical (with romance) and "Curmudgeon Fiction"
BOOK: A Man Called Ove
Kara — GENRE: Science Fiction & Fantasy
BOOK: The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin (First Book: The Fifth Season)
Janet — GENRE: Historical Fiction
BOOK: Lonesome Dove