Read women. Listen to women. Elect women.

If there is only one book you read for Women's History Month this March, make it Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez. It will completely change the way you look at the world. For example, did you know that in 2010 and 2015 the Global Media Monitoring Project reported that women received only 24% of news coverage? We have yet to see how 2020 will pan out but if the U.S. democratic primary is any indication, we have a long way to go before there is equal representation for half of the world's population. You can read >a free excerpt of the book's introduction online—and to be clear we're not getting paid to promote this.
There are tons of great threads in our Facebook group with recommendations for International Women's Day. Jump in and share your favorite women writers. We're always looking for new reads!
One last note before we go. We have posted an update with guidelines for hosting and attending Silent Book Club meetups in light of the recent coronavirus epidemic. Check with your local chapters for information on whether events will be canceled or postponed. Please stay safe and healthy and wash your hands for 20 seconds.
There are tons of great threads in our Facebook group with recommendations for International Women's Day. Jump in and share your favorite women writers. We're always looking for new reads!
One last note before we go. We have posted an update with guidelines for hosting and attending Silent Book Club meetups in light of the recent coronavirus epidemic. Check with your local chapters for information on whether events will be canceled or postponed. Please stay safe and healthy and wash your hands for 20 seconds.