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Local Chapters

Westbrook, Maine, USA

Westbrook, Maine, USA

Nothing is needed to officially join the Silent Book Club! Just come to any of our scheduled meetings that you want to! Silent Book Club meets from 3 - 4:30pm in the library's historic wing on the third Friday of the month, starting in March 2024. The book club is geared towards adult and teen readers, but all family members who can read silently are welcome.

Enjoy a quiet hour of reading in our beautiful historic wing with other patrons. Be part of our Silent Book Club with no commitments, no assigned reading, and no required discussion! Bring a book (or borrow one from us) and read whatever you would like while sitting in one of our cozy chairs in the Eleanor Conant Room. The first hour is for silent reading and the last 30 minutes are open for optional discussion and snacks (or continued reading).

3 - 4pm: Show up and silently read.

4 - 4:30pm: Snack and discussion or continued reading (while others are free to quietly discuss their books).

Find more information at Walker Memorial Library

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