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Local Chapters

Veszprém, Hungary (ZUG)

Veszprém, Hungary (ZUG)
Welcome to Silent Book Club Veszprém.
Let's read together in the youth and community space of our library, ZUG.

Bring the book you are reading at the moment and let’s read together. There is no common book to be read by a deadline and you only talk if you want to. We read together but you can be on your own. You can get to know introverted bookworms like yourself in the area.

No registration required. This program is for young people and adults. Check our Facebook page for dates and times.
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Budapest, Hungary

Budapest, Hungary

This group is for anyone interested in reading a good (e-)book with a cup of coffee/tea and among like-minded people in Budapest.

Here we don't have a designated book to complete for a deadline, only a pleasant environment for reading your current favourite book, and sharing your impressions of it if you wish.

The meetings are in person, mostly in a Café, with a simple (usually two-hour) agenda:

- half an hour for introduction of you and your chosen book
- one hour for quiet reading
- half an hour for sharing what you have read, impressions, etc.

Whether you are a trained reader, who seeks for community, an eager novice, who wants to make reading a habit, or just someone, who wants to slow down and enjoy the present for a bit, you are at the right place!

Check out our Meetup for more information.

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