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Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Put down your phone and pick up a book, have a coffee, tea or a glass of water and spend quality time with fellow book lovers. Bring your own book and start reading in silence with everyone else!
 This event is for everyone interested in books, reading, and talking about books. Sharing our love for books.

19:30 - 20:00 find a seat, get a drink or snack at the café, say hello

20:00 - 21:00 silent reading time (please step away for a chat)
21:00 - 21:30 chat about the book read, book recommendations or just keep reading.

Don't forget to bring your own book or look for a new book at the library. All (e-)books, languages and all readers are welcome!
This club is free to join, but please let us know you'll be coming by reserving a free spot.

Information at Silent Book Club Eindhoven

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