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Show up for our libraries

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Show up for our libraries

We knew it was coming and here it is. On Friday night, March 14, Trump dropped an executive order calling for the elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, America’s only federal agency for libraries.

The order eliminates agencies that “President has determined are unnecessary.” It calls for the firing of 75 federal workers and rejects funding requests for the nation’s 125,000 public, school, academic, and special libraries.

This is not about “managing efficiency,” “reducing bureaucracy,” or “fiscal responsibility.” Public libraries in the United States use 0.003% of the federal budget for programs and services that support more than 1.2 billion in-person patron visits every year, and many more virtual visits and calls.

Let us be clear: this is about stripping the American people of free speech, literacy, and public access to information.

The American Library Association released a statement that outlined just some of the library services that this executive order will cut:

  • Early literacy development and grade-level reading programs

  • Summer reading programs for kids 

  • High-speed internet access

  • Employment assistance for job seekers 

  • Braille and talking books for people with visual impairments

  • Homework and research resources for students and faculty

  • Veterans’ telehealth spaces equipped with technology and staff support

  • STEM programs, simulation equipment and training for workforce development

  • Small business support for budding entrepreneurs (editorial: I thought oligarchs and capitalists liked business? Oh wait. Just kidding. Only theirs. Not yours.)

So what do we do right now?

Take to the streets. Show up. Our representatives are not doing it for us, no matter how many times we flood their switchboards with calls, sign petitions, and overflow their inboxes with email. It’s not enough and we are FED UP. So here are 7 things you can do right now to take action:

  1. Visit your local library and speak with a librarian. Ask them what they need and how you can help. Bring them a coffee. Thank them for their service.

  2. Attend a library, school board, or city council meeting. Here’s a helpful guide to prepare. Better yet, take the advice of Amy B., one of our followers on Instagram: “Serve on your local library board. Many municipalities appoint folks to these positions, meaning you don’t need the same $$$ and other resources as if you were seeking election. Many areas struggle to fill these spots.”

  3. Run for local office. Or support elected officials who are standing up for your rights. We need a new generation of leadership.

  4. Take to the streets! Stand outside your library and wave a sign. Protests aren’t always about anger. Show your support. Show you care. Bring your kids and have them draw signs. Nothing is cuter.

  5. Apply for a library card if you don’t have one already, and USE it. The Libby app lets you check out free ebooks and audiobooks with your library card!

  6. Join the Friends of the Library. Find out how to get involved with the local group that organizes events and fundraising activities at your library.

  7. Spread the word. Tell your friends, family and people who care about other people that this is happening. Forward this email and share social media posts. But get your bodies out into the streets and stand up for our freedoms while we still have them.

And one final note for the folks out there who ask us why we can’t just let people have one nice place to read on the internet free of “politics.”

Reading is political. Always has been. This is why we use our first amendment rights to speak up. This is why we fight. This is why #wewillnotbesilent.

Because eliminating access to free thinking, and policing language, and silencing dissent, and dismantling education, and denying fundamental rights was ALWAYS the agenda of this far right MAGA administration. And if you agree with them, you voted against everything that Silent Book Club values.

For the rest of you, keep going. We loved this recent insight from Liz Neeley at Making Sense of it All:

“This is not a marathon or a sprint. It’s a relay race. You’re not in this alone.”

Jess Craven over at Chop Wood, Carry Water is sharing wins every week. And local Indivisible groups are organizing in every congressional district in the country. We will fight, and we will rest, and we will read on.

Guinevere & Laura