Central Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta

Book Clan is a community founded in early 2023 that focuses on the love of fiction literature. This network also wants to fight against the stereotype that fiction books aren't as good as non-fiction books.
Book Clan has Silent Book Club weekly, regardless of how many people show up. We believe that by appearing at the public park every week, it will inspire people to join, and for anyone who does not feel like joining this week, there is always next week. Because our moderator speaks English, it is also possible for foreigners or expats who live in Jakarta to participate.
We meet every Saturday at 4 p.m., typically in parks in Central Jakarta that are inclusive, free, and easily accessible by public transit from everywhere in the Jakarta Greater Region. We also welcome new book readers and will lend you a book if you don't already have one.
Book Clan has Silent Book Club weekly, regardless of how many people show up. We believe that by appearing at the public park every week, it will inspire people to join, and for anyone who does not feel like joining this week, there is always next week. Because our moderator speaks English, it is also possible for foreigners or expats who live in Jakarta to participate.
We meet every Saturday at 4 p.m., typically in parks in Central Jakarta that are inclusive, free, and easily accessible by public transit from everywhere in the Jakarta Greater Region. We also welcome new book readers and will lend you a book if you don't already have one.