SBC Kansas City's Best of 2019

This guest post comes to us from Anna Jessup, the host of Silent Book Club Kansas City, Missouri. Her chapter meets monthly at Afterword Tavern & Shelves, an independent bookstore/bar/café in Kansas City (why doesn't EVERY city have one of these?!?). Join SBC KC on Facebook or Instagram for event details or to browse their latest book recommendations. Thank you, Anna!
Greetings from Kansas City, Missouri! We had a successful January meeting of our local Silent Book Club chapter, with four returning members and four first-time members. Jokingly, we refer to ourselves as the “Not-So-Silent Book Club” because most of our meetings are lively with lots of great conversations, and little time actually spent reading.
Since this meeting was our first of the new year, I asked each of our attendees what some of their favorite books read in 2019 were. The following is our curated list of KC’s Best of 2019.
Click on each cover to find the book at a local, independent bookstore near you: