Because you like books.
And you like reading with friends.
But you never can finish the assigned book club book on time.
Because everyone in your last book club loved David Foster Wallace and Jonathan Franzen.
And they made you feel bad for loving Rainbow Rowell.
Because reading a book in a bar is better than swiping right.
Plus, people will think you're an intellectual rather than a 30-something drinking alone.
And that cute bartender will ask what you're reading.
Because you like getting book recommendations from people you know.
And you don't feel like cooking dinner and giving the kids a bath.
Because books and wine prevent Alzheimer's. Or something. Maybe.
Because you're sick of everyone basking in the glow of their phones.
Because "Silent Book Club" sounds better than "drinking on a Monday."
Because, let's face it, don't we all just go to book club for the wine?